In 2007, childhood friends Brian Leto and Gary Metcalf, both avid soccer players and endurance athletes, started Cadence in an Austin, Texas garage. The premise was simple: Somehow figure out a way to make a career in the sports/wellness industry.
Cadence originally launched as an event chip timing company which was sold in 2015. Concurrently, we began to receive opportunities in event planning and management which opened our eyes to a new chances within the event space.
Cadence originally launched as an event chip timing company which was sold in 2015. Concurrently, we began to receive opportunities in event planning and management which opened our eyes to a new chances within the event space.
In 2008, we assisted with the planning and production of the LIVESTRONG Challenge series. The 4 event series was a juggernaut and heavily exposed us to the cause-related side of endurance events. This led to further opportunities in 2009, including partnerships with an upstart PELOTONIA and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure events. In 2010, we invested in a small amount of event infrastructure and launched Cadence Equipment, which now boasts extensive event infrastructure assets.
Today, we are proud to play a vital role in supporting more than 180+ events nationwide. We have an incredible, close knit team who believe in our work. We are fortunate to be able to call this a career and take satisfaction in the ability to see the tangible effects of our work. We believe that a truly successful event is one that creates a lasting personal experience and an even longer lasting impact.